Sampling Head And OthersPRODUCTS IN THE WORLD

Laoying1071 Medium Flow Rate TSP/PM10/PM2.5/SVOCs Sampling Head

Product overview

It is designed and developed according to technical requirement and test procedures for total suspended particulates sampler and semi-volatile organic compound sampler, and awarded with certificate of national patent for utility models, applies filter membrane weighing method and gas phase adsorption method to collect particulate matters (TSP/PM10/PM2.5) and gaseous VOCs in ambient air. Gaseous VOCs and particulate state VOCs are separately collected into adsorption cartridge and glass (or quartz) fiber membrane, and extracted with mixed solvent of 10/90(v/v)ether/n-hexane, after purified through concentration, silica gel column, florisil column, the extracting solution is tested through GC-MS, then qualitatively analyzed and quantitatively analyzed with internal standard method in accordance with retention time, mass spectrum or characteristic ion.



Execution standard

\  GB/T 15432-1995 ambient air measurement of total Suspended Particulate gravimetric method
\  HJ 93-2013  Technical requirement and test procedures for atmospheric particles (PM10 and PM2.5) in ambient air sampler
\  HJ/T 618-2011  Determination of atmospheric particles PM10 and PM2.5 in ambient air by gravimetric method
\  HJ 691-2014 Ambient air guide rule for Semi Volatile Organic Compounds sampling technology
\  HJ 646-2013 Ambien t air and flue gas  measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in gas and particulate matter  gas chromatography- mass spectrography
\  HJ 647-2013 Ambient air and flue gas  measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in gas and particulate matter  high performance liquid chromatography




Product features

\  Sampling head is designed in accordance with impact principle, made of aluminum alloy, anti-adsorption
\  With multistage combination of sampling head, cutting point is 100L/min, able to sample particulate organic matter such as TSP、PM10、PM2.5 and so on
\  Use glass (or quartz) fiber membrane to detect total suspended particulates,including semi-volatile organic compound in aerosol-state
\  Able to sample semi-volatile organic compound of concurrent gaseous and particulate state





The above parameters are totally up to the requirements of the relevant national standards. If product upgrades, or image does not match with real machine, please refer to the real machine.
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